
Showing posts from October, 2024

Combat Paprika

Trying to keep combat fresh? Want to avoid hack-n-slashing too much stuff? I've got a random table for that. Check it out.

World Building: Making the realistic fantasic (and visa versa.)

Hi there, I'm a huge world-building nerd. Making secondary worlds for TTRPGs, novels, and other works is one of the big passions in my life and one which I've spent 30 years doing (in some form or another.) My worlds have been used in numerous IPs, though I' must protect their privacy.  Anyway, that's not what you're here for. This post has the world-building tag and so you've likely come here to learn some world building techniques or maybe to be inspired. I can do that. Let's get on to this post's big world-building tip. Make the fantastical realistic and the realistic fantastical. This is a cornerstone technique if you ask me. It's how I make convincingly real fantasy worlds without sacrificing all the fun to the altar of serious realism. Though, this is all abstract. Lemme hit you with an example. Dragons . What if our fantasy world had dragons? They're super iconic so they're good example fodder. Since they're so fantastic, I want t...